Thank You 2016

It would be an understatement if I said that 2016 was a challenging year for all of us. It was definitely one for the books I would say.

So much happened within these past 12 months that I’ve lost count. It has been one intense roller coaster ride that I would have opted out of if I had the chance. I can’t say that there was a balance between the good and bad. There was probably more bad than there was good.

I found love and I lost love within these 12 months. Yet, here I am stronger than ever and no; it has not made me lose faith in love. But it has made me wiser in deciding who I let into my life. Sure it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest when everything went down and it did take me awhile to bounce back. However I’ve learnt that actions will always speak louder than words no matter how sweet those words may be. One thing I can tell you for sure is that you should not hold onto someone who could care less about you or has given up on you. You owe it to yourself to know that you deserve better. 

On top of the bad there was definitely many good moments that I will cherish from 2016. Street feeding was one of the highlight of the year. Not to mention all the lovely people I’ve met through it. I have managed to cut out toxic influences from my life which has given me a chance to breathe fresher air. I’ve gain so many new life experiences that I did not expect to gain. I discovered a job that I love which has taught me patience and given me so much self satisfaction. Something which is very rare in this time and age.

This year has also made me more accepting towards all my flaws. I’ve realised that I am okay with being a plain jane, that I don’t need my eyebrows to be on fleek 24/7 or that big or small I would still have decent clothes to put on everyday. I am okay with the fact that my skin isn’t flawless or that I have scars. Don’t get me wrong there are still days when I look in the mirror and all I want to do it put a sack on my head, curl up in a ball and not face the world because I am so disgusted by my appearance. But I am constantly reminding myself that I am made of more than just my looks.

Overall I think that 2016 has given me the opportunity to mature more than ever. It took a lot out of me but in doing so I’ve come out on top.

So with that I thank you 2016 for all you’ve brought me. 


Author: Charlotte M.

An amateur at life who writes from the heart.

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